The convenience fee is a charge applied when you top up your Setel Wallet using credit cards. This fee is needed to covers the costs to handle credit card transactions. Currently, the fee is 1% (as per industry standard) of the top-up transaction.
We recommend linking your credit cards instead to avoid the convenience fee.
Table of Contents
When will the convenience fee take effect?
What payment method will have this convenience fee?
What is the difference between manual credit card top-up, auto top-up and linking my credit card?
How is the convenience fee calculated?
How will I know if the convenience fee has been applied to my top-up?
I’m experiencing issues with my top-up. Will I still be charged the convenience fee?
Is the convenience fee refundable?
When will the convenience fee take effect?
The 1% convenience fee will take effect on 5th December 2024 at 4.30 PM. All manual credit card top-ups made on or after this date will incur the cost.
What payment method will have this convenience fee?
The 1% convenience fee is only applied to manual credit card top-ups. The fee is NOT applied for auto top-up and linked credit cards.
What is the difference between manual credit card top-up, auto top-up and linking my credit card?
Manual Credit Card Top-Up
This is when you manually top up a specific amount and choose credit card as the top-up method. -
Auto Top-Up
This is when you set a threshold for your Setel Wallet balance. When your balance falls below the threshold, you will automatically top up to above the threshold from your credit card. -
Linking my credit card
This feature allows you to pay for fuel directly using your credit card without having to top up to your Setel Wallet first. The payment is processed from your card right after refuelling.
How is the convenience fee calculated?
The convenience fee is calculated at 1% of the credit card top-up amount.
For example, if you top up RM100, an additional RM1 fee will be added, making the total amount charged to your credit card RM101.
Do note that calculated amounts with more than 2 decimals will follow these basic rounding.
- If the decimal is RM 0.5 or higher, it will round up to RM 1.0
- If it is less than RM 0.5, it will round down to RM 0.
How will I know if the convenience fee has been applied to my top-up?
Before we process the top-up you will see the convenience fee listed in the transaction summary.
You can also view your top-up receipt via the transaction history, which will show the top-up amount and convenience fee.
I’m experiencing issues with my top-up. Will I still be charged the convenience fee?
If your credit card top-up fails (not processed) or is cancelled before being processed, you will not be charged the 1% convenience fee. The fee is only applied once the top-up is successfully processed. However, if the top-up goes through and is later refunded, the convenience fee will not be refunded.
Is the convenience fee refundable?
Unfortunately, the 1% convenience fee is non-refundable even if the top-up is reversed or refunded. This is because the fee covers the transaction cost when processing the credit card payment.
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